Admission Procedure and Guidance for all Course likeDiploma Engineering, Hotel Management, Teacher Training, NTT, PTT, B.ed, Fashion Designing and Yoga for session 2020.
All the students can pay all types of fees like admission fees, registration fee, semester fees, examination fees, and late fees etc. through online also.
The Department of Civil Engineering is one of the oldest departments of GATE. It has been establised in 2009. The Department of Civil Engineering has been actively engaged in teaching and research in diverse fields of Civil Engineering. With excellent faculty, the Department of Civil Engineering offers undergraduate (B.Tech) and graduate (M.Tech) in Structural & Foundation Engineering, Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering.
The mission of the Department of Civil Engineering is to provide quality education to prepare nationally competitive undergraduate and post graduate student students for a successful career in civil engineering; to provide advanced skills and knowledge in state-of-the-art research and design in sub-areas of civil engineering for graduate and post graduate students; and to provide service to the university, engineering profession, and the public.
The Civil Engineering Department will excel in undergraduate and post graduate instruction, in research in all sub-areas of civil engineering, and in service to the public consistent with the land-grant mission of the university. Shaping infrastructure development with societal focus. The Department will make significant contributions to the economic development of the state, region and nation.
Graduates and post graduate of the Programme will contribute to the development of infrastructure that is sustainable. Graduates and post graduate of the Programme, as part of an organization or as Entrepreneurs, will continue to learn to harness evolving technologies. Graduates and post graduate of the Programme will be professional Civil Engineers with ethical and societal responsibility. Established a mastery of fundamental knowledge, problem solving skills, engineering experimental abilities, and design capabilities for a civil engineering. Established the knowledge and skills necessary for identifying and assessing design alternatives and the related social, economic, environmental, and public safety impacts. Demonstrated their ability to deal effectively with ethical and professional issues, taking into account the broader societal implications of civil engineering. Obtained or made progress for obtaining professional licensure, assumed or made progress toward assuming leadership roles, and engaged in life-long learning.